
Showing posts from September, 2017

Donation Update on 26 Sep 2017

Total Donations 1-19 September: $1,444.53 Dear All, My last donation update was posted on 3 September 2017 .  Within the period 1-19 September 2017, I received donations which were handed to me directly ( $1,250), donations to my Paypal account ($107.54), as well as donations to my appeal on the GIVE.ASIA platform. The Give.Asia donations are routed to my POSB bank account ($86.99) . Breakdown of donations handed to me:   Date Donation Amount   11 Sep 2017   $150   13 Sep 2017    $100   18 Sep 2017 $1,000 TOTAL $1,250   Breakdown of donations to my Paypal account: Breakdown of donations to my POSB bank account:   Within this period, I withdrew a total sum of $3,430.52 to pay for the Court transcripts. $2,600 was withdrawn from the POSB account (see statement above) and $830.52 from my Paypal account (see statement abov...

Donation Update On 3 Sep 2017

Total Donations 24-31 August 2017: $1,124.33 Dear Friends,  First of all, my apologies for this belated update on the funds that I have received since my donation appeal on 24 August 2017. The delay is due to the fact that I am still attending trial for my lawsuit and I am also trying to figure out how the crowdfunding websites work, particularly, in relation to how to integrate the donations I get from the crowdfunding websites to my POSB and Paypal accounts. I finally managed to figure out the particularities. The bank and Paypal statements showing the amounts of money I have collected in my current (2nd) appeal for funding since 24 August to 31 August 2017 are exhibited below, and I also explain how my 2nd appeal flows from the 1st appeal. This is to ensure total transparency in the donations I receive. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at: My 2nd Appeal for Court Hearing Fees on 24 August 2017 On the last day of trial on 23 Au...