The Final Day of My Court Trial Is on 1 November 2017
29 October 2017 Finally, the Court has fixed the date for the 9th and final day of my court hearing. Some people have expressed interest to attend the hearing. Here are the details: Case No: S 667/2012 Date: 01-November-2017 Time:10:00 AM Venue of Hearing: COURT 5C, SUPREME COURT The last two NUS professors to take the witness stand are Assoc Prof Wong Yunn Chii and Prof Jeffrey Pinsler SC. (1) My former MA (Master of Arts) thesis supervisor Dr Wong Yunn Chii – I made a complaint against Dr Wong in 2005. After NUS convened a COI (Committee of Inquiry) to look into my complaint against Dr Wong, and the COI recommended that he be censured in 2005, NUS went on to promote Dr Wong to Head of the Department of Architecture in 2007. In fact, while the investigation of the COI was going on in June/July 2005, Dr Wong was given tenure and promoted to Associate Professor on 1 July 2005. Dr Wong stepped down as Head of Department in early 2017, and is a faculty member of the Department today...