I did Not Abscond With The $20k! I Am Still Pressing On With My Case Against NUS!

19 October 2019 No, I did not abscond with the $20k! I am still pressing on with my case against NUS!!! I was bewildered when someone wrote to me to say that he was told by a 3rd party that I had run away overseas with the $20,000 public donation that was meant to pay for the Security for Costs for the opposing party NUS (The National University of Singapore). The answer is of course “no lah!” Still pursuing #AccountabilityfromNUS . I am of course pressured by the fact that I can’t update on any forward movement regarding my appeal to the Court of Appeal. I have received questions from members of the public including the donors and my reply has largely been that “I am busy.” This however, is not a good answer for proper accountability if the delay is for an extensive length of time. At this point in time, I know that the delay is going to be further extended, and I am kept away from dealing with the appeal matters against NUS. I feel compelled to give an explanation. ...