
Showing posts from 2021

What Would You Say If A World-Class University Puts Up Fake Information On Its Website About A Non-Existent Achievement???

20 March 2021 Dear friends,   A number of people have asked me about Dr Wong Yunn Chii’s project that was based on my MA Thesis – What happened to the project? – Was the project published? – Where is the project “now? ” Dr Wong’s misuse of my MA Thesis idea and content by attempting to pass off the fruits of my MA thesis project as his original research proposal, was after all, what triggered my whistleblowing on Dr Wong, and which led to my expulsion from The National University of Singapore (“NUS”) 18 months later in September 2006. I have been fighting for transparency and accountability from NUS ever since.   In summary, according to NUS in 2015, Dr Wong had actually “aborted” the project, although NUS was unable to provide documentation of the official termination of the project. There were so many twists and turns before this belated admission. By the time NUS made this admission in 2015, NUS had put up the information that Dr Wong’s project was “completed” for about f...