
CIVICUS Monitor Has Recognised My Voice of Dissent (Part 1)

CIVICUS Monitor has recognised my struggle for justice and accountability in its 2024 country report on Singapore .  Not only does my whistleblowing and the state-backed campaign of retaliation against me highlight academic misconduct, systemic institutional cover-ups, and the abuse of power by establishment elites under Lawrence Wong ' s PAP regime, it also underscores the importance of protecting whistleblowers and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within public institutions. The concept of a “ restrict[ive] civic space ” often evokes images of dissidents or critics being actively persecuted by authoritarian regimes. However, the definition of “a dissident” should extend beyond those who are the targets of overt acts of repression. The “ state policy of silencing dissent ” can also manifest in more subtle ways. What happens when state agents commit wrongdoing, and the state refuses to admit it, much less to take responsibility, while simultaneously suppresses

Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP Regime is “Rotting” According to the Reasoning of Heng Swee Keat

1 December 2023 What do I mean when I say that Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP regime is “rotting” ? I have been asked what I meant by the word “rot” when I wrote that Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP regime is “rotting.” Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP regime is “rotting” in the sense in which Heng Swee Keat used the words “rotting” and “rot” during a  speech in Parliament on 13 February 2015 , when Heng Swee Keat said that “ the Town Council is rotting. And the rot is serious. … the Workers’ Party has betrayed the people’s trust. The pattern of behaviour; the consistent pattern of denial, deflection and protection of the Managing Agent which suggests a serious rot is happening. ”   Today, Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP regime is clearly “ rotting ” and “ the rot is serious ” and the PAP regime “ has betrayed the people’s trust ” with a “ pattern of behaviour ” that includes a “ consistent pattern of denial, deflection and protection ” by Lee Hsien Loong’s PAP regime and Lee Hsien Loong’s Attorney-General, in favour o

Lily Kong is the Perjurer; Wong Yunn Chii is the Plagiarist

13 October 2023 In the aftermath of the news that the NTU faculty member who plagiarised his former student’s work had either been terminated or had resigned , I received some questions about Dr Wong Yunn Chii. There is confusion that these two plagiarists are the same person. The two men are different plagiarists. There is also confusion that Lily Kong committed plagiarism against me; which is also inaccurate. Lily Kong is the perjurer who protected Wong Yunn Chii the plagiarist and this happened in NUS. Lily Kong covered up Wong Yunn Chii’s misconduct after I whistle blew on the plagiarism committed by Wong Yunn Chii. Lily Kong then demanded that the whistleblower (I) agree to stop complaining about the coverup of Wong Yunn Chii’s misconduct, as a condition for NUS to award me my master’s degree. Lily Kong then went to Court to dishonestly testify in Court that she did not link the whistleblowing on Wong Yunn Chii to NUS’s decisions to refuse to award the master’s degree to me and to

NUS Elites Committed Perjury in Court – Help Me To Get To The Court Of Appeal

16 November 2022 Dear friends, I am a Singaporean whistleblower who has refused to be silenced about misconduct and abuse of power at the National University of Singapore (“NUS”). I refused to be silenced, even after NUS threatened to retaliate against me. NUS then managed to win a case against me in the High Court of Singapore, in which NUS’s main witness against me repeatedly lied to the Court and thereby committed the crime of perjury. NUS’s court victory against me, in a judgment that is tainted with perjury, has provided NUS with the legal basis to bankrupt me. Now, NUS is in the process of retaliating against me by bankrupting me, which will force my employer to fire me, and which will make me legally ineligible to continue working in my current profession. All of this is because I dared to refuse to be silenced and stop whistleblowing about misconduct and abuse of power at NUS. This is a major national scandal, in which the current President of Singapore Management Universit

Police Investigation Into the Perjury of Lily Kong, President of SMU

25 February 2022 I have been very troubled by the perjury committed by NUS witnesses in Court which happened during the trial of Suit 667. A lawyer agreed to look at the documents which prove that Lily Kong committed perjury. After looking at the documents, the lawyer, who gave me his advice  pro bono  (free of charge) agreed with me that the evidence of Lily Kong's own written words in her own email proves that Lily Kong lied in Court and committed perjury. The lawyer suggested that I should make a police report about Lily Kong's perjury, because perjury is a serious crime in Singapore.  I recently made the police report on Monday, 14 February 2022.  This was just after recent news reports have repeatedly reported how our political leaders have reminded us that perjury is a very serious crime, and that perjurers must be referred to the Public Prosecutor for criminal prosecution. See the police report here:           Needless to say, I had a right to expect that the police woul

What Would You Say If A World-Class University Puts Up Fake Information On Its Website About A Non-Existent Achievement???

20 March 2021 Dear friends,   A number of people have asked me about Dr Wong Yunn Chii’s project that was based on my MA Thesis – What happened to the project? – Was the project published? – Where is the project “now? ” Dr Wong’s misuse of my MA Thesis idea and content by attempting to pass off the fruits of my MA thesis project as his original research proposal, was after all, what triggered my whistleblowing on Dr Wong, and which led to my expulsion from The National University of Singapore (“NUS”) 18 months later in September 2006. I have been fighting for transparency and accountability from NUS ever since.   In summary, according to NUS in 2015, Dr Wong had actually “aborted” the project, although NUS was unable to provide documentation of the official termination of the project. There were so many twists and turns before this belated admission. By the time NUS made this admission in 2015, NUS had put up the information that Dr Wong’s project was “completed” for about four year